Yujee Song

MSc Student in AI @ MIP Lab, POSTECH.


rswfaf at gmail dot com

I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in machine learning at POSTECH under the supervision of Professor Won Hwa Kim. My research revolves around modeling generative models using dynamical systems. Previously, I specialized in modeling marked temporal point processes using Neural ODEs. Currently, I am exploring diffusion networks for graph structures using topological data analysis.

Research Interest
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Generative Model
  • Graph Machine Learning
  • Dynamical System Modeling
  • Medical Data Analysis

CV / Portfolio / google scholar / linkedin / github


  1. preview2.png
    Decoupled Marked Temporal Point Process using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
    Yujee Song, Donghyun LEE , Rui Meng , and Won Hwa Kim
    In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) , 2024
  2. Brain MRI Generation from Genetic Data (under-review)
    In , 2024